IEC: Higher turnout of overseas voters in 2024

IEC: Higher turnout of overseas voters in 2024

The Independent Electoral Commission has reported a higher turnout from voters overseas in this year's elections.


Back home, there are six days to go until millions of South Africans make their mark in the seventh democratic polls. 

The IEC opened its nerve centre in Midrand on Wednesday from where it will coordinate the vote. 

Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo said they have put many measures in place to support the integrity of the elections. 

He said the highest number of requests for special votes came from Gauteng, followed by KZN. 

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"We owe South Africa and its people an election that undoubtedly measures to international and our own constitutional standards. 

"Failure in this regard, will have history pronounce harsh sentiments on us and our generation, as we approach the grand finale of this electoral odyssey, the commissions launches the National Results Operation Centre (ROC), which is a centre of electoral dreams."

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