Human trafficking case: Woman sent messages for help

Human trafficking case: SA woman sent messages for help

A friend of a South African woman at the centre of an international human trafficking case - says he received messages on WhatsApp from the 24-year-old asking for help. 

OR Tambo Airport
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Tebogo Kotsi says he received the message two days after Princess Mahlangu left for Malaysia.

"It was a Tuesday when she sent me that message - saying if I could get a flight for her because she's not safe," he says.  

"We were in contact on a daily basis - constantly checking up on her to find out the itinerary and so forth," he says.

 ALSO READ: SA woman rescued from alleged human trafficking ring

The Bloemfontein woman said she would been lured to Malaysia to take part in a modelling competition she'd entered on Facebook.  

After South African authorities worked to bring her back home, the Police Minister announced they had started an investigation.  

Mahlangu and 14 women from various countries were rescued in the operation.

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