eThekwini dismisses claims of interdict preventing disconnections

eThekwini dismisses claims of interdict preventing disconnections

eThekwini Municipality says there's no court interdict in place preventing the city from disconnecting services of ratepayers boycotting payments.

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A social media post has been sent around claiming the Westville Ratepayers Association has been granted an interdict, stopping the municipality from turning lights and water off.

Several ratepayers associations called for a rates boycott earlier this year, accusing the City of poor service delivery and raising concern about collapsing infrastructure. 

READ: Meeting with Kaunda ‘waste of time’ - ratepayers association

Municipal spokesperson Gugu Sisilana says the city will continue implementing credit control measures and by-laws where accounts are in arrears.

"We wish to clarify that there is no court interdict in place. The facts are that an application for an interdict has been made by the Westville Ratepayers Association and this application is scheduled to be heard on 1 November 2023 in the Durban High Court. 

"The municipality’s legal department is attending to this matter and are not able to discuss the merits of the case any further since it is subject to court processes."

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