Durban woman plummets from tree attempting to rescue cat

Durban woman plummets from tree attempting to rescue cat

A Durban woman has been seriously hurt after falling from a tree, apparently while trying to rescue a cat.

Durban woman plummets from tree attempting to rescue cat
Netcare 911

Netcare 911's Shawn Herbst says she plummeted about 15 metres in Warner Beach on Tuesday and landed on concrete.

He says her injuries include head trauma and suspected spinal injuries.

"When medics arrived on scene the patient was found to have sustained serious injuries.

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"She was treated on scene by a Netcare 911 rescue technician as well as an advanced life support paramedic.

"Due to the nature of the ladies injuries, a Netcare 911 helicopter ambulance was activated to airlift her to hospital for the care she required." 

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