Durban family desperate to find missing girl (15)

Durban family desperate to find missing girl (15)

The parents of a missing 15-year-old Durban girl, say they haven't given up hope of finding her alive. 

Snegugu Buthelezi image

Snegugu Buthelezi was last seen on 2 October when she went to school in Montclair. 

Her father says they usually pick her up from school, but on that day the Grade 10 pupil walked with a friend. They then parted ways on a road close to her home. 

Bongani Mthiyane says his daughter, who attends Mowat Park High, doesn't own a cell phone. 

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"She is not that kind of type of child, she always sleeps at home. We have contacted all the family members, but no one could confirm any contact from her."

He says they received information on a person matching her description this past weekend, but that led to a dead-end. 

"Someone called us and said she saw her asking for assistance to make a phone call from a tuck shop guy, then we tried to phone the number. 

"A guy answered and he is a Uber driver and takes different calls per day and can't confirm. For now, we stuck at that point." 

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