Durban boy's mission to help save Mitchell Park Zoo

Durban boy's mission to help save Mitchell Park Zoo

A ten-year-old Durban boy is helping lead efforts to make sure the animals at Mitchell Park Zoo receive better care.

Judah KatzJudah Katz

With the help of his mother, Judah Katz took to social media last week to draw attention to the poor conditions the animals at the Morningside zoo were being kept in.

eThekwini Municipality and SPCA have since got involved, and there's been some improvement.

Judah has been sitting in on some of the management meetings to ensure the well-being of the animals.

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"Now all of a sudden we having board meetings with the municipality, they are making birdcages bigger. They are actually cleaning and treating the animals and are getting donations for the parrots. They are getting toys. We are looking for guava wood, " he says.

The aspiring veterinarian says about 50 people have volunteered to help the upkeep of the zoo. 

Donations, including food and toys, have been pouring in. 

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Judah, who wants to be a veterinarian, says he's no hero but wishes others will do the same.

"I am just a normal kid, trying to do something for the animals. When you see something that is wrong with animals, just complain and deal with it, so it's fixed."  

Durban SPCA says all animals that required medical treatment have been seen to, while Mitchell Park staff have cleaned out all cages and ponds. 

The City says it will also keep a close eye on the zoo and its staff. 

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