WATCH: Two metre black mamba captured at KZN primary school

WATCH: Two metre black mamba captured at KZN primary school

Children at a south coast school will finally be able to sit at their desks after a mamba was removed from their classroom on Friday.

Two metre black mamba captured at KZN primary school

Learners at the Olwasini Junior Primary School in Amahlongwa have been learning under a tree for the last three days after the two-metre-long serpent was spotted in the roof.

Herpetologists from Crocworld Conservation Centre in Scottburgh were finally able to rescue the snake today after making attempts since Wednesday.

Crocworld Conservation Manager, Martin Rodrigues says they had been making trips to the school every day.

"Third time lucky I guess, they had managed to watch this time and didn't take their eye off it, so they knew exactly where it disappeared. We strategically broke through the wall very gently, and we managed to locate it."

"Once we located it, it was a straight forward catch, except all the noise outside because obliviously all the children were informed that we had seen it and that we spotted it and there was pandemonium, everyone was running out of the school," he said. 

Two metre black mamba captured at KZN primary school
Two metre black mamba captured at KZN primary school 2
Two metre black mamba captured at KZN primary school
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