Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla hands herself over to police

Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla hands herself over to police

Umkhonto we Sizwe Party MP Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla handed herself over to the police on Thursday morning. 

Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla MKP

The daughter of former president Jacob Zuma is set to appear before the Durban Magistrate’s Court.

The Hawks have confirmed that Zuma-Sambudla handed herself over to police at the Durban Central Police Station.

It is in connection with inflammatory posts made on a social media account during the riots and looting in KZN and Gauteng in July 2021. 

READ: MKP to rally as Duduzile Zuma appears in court

Officials say she will face charges under the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act (POCDATARA) and incitement to commit violence.

Officials say her arrest is a result of an investigation into the riots and looting that left over 300 people dead.

Outside court, MK Party members gathered, with officials confirming that the party leader and former president will be in attendance. 

A stage was also set up as party members dressed in regalia arrived with beefed-up police presence.

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