Contamination leaves Eshowe without water

Contamination leaves Eshowe without water

Four of the reservoirs in Eshowe are being flushed out, leaving some rural areas around the northern KZN town and its CBD without water. 

KZN water treatment generic
KZN government

Umgeni-Uthukela Water says there's been some contamination at the area's water treatment plant.


"This plant draws water from the Gobani Dam and Ruthledge Dam, both of which are in Eshowe," says the utility's Shami Harichunder. 


"On Sunday, seriously contaminated polluted water entering the eShowe Water Treatment Plant. 


"An examination done at that stage indicates that the water was contaminated with what appears to be very thick oil which came out of the Ruthledge Dam."


Harichunder says the process will take a while.


"Once the diagnosis is done, the appropriate remedial action will be taken in order to ensure no serious contamination occurs again."

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