Constitution Hill launches ‘We, The People’ movement

Constitution Hill launches ‘We, The People’ movement

South Africa is once again celebrating Freedom Day on 27 April. 

We The People Launch
Supplied: Constitution Hill

As part of this year’s celebrations, Constitution Hill is calling for South Africans to articulate their dreams, hopes and ambitions for the South Africa they want. 

On 27 April 1994, millions of South Africans took to the polls to exercise their right to vote for the very first time — filled with the hope and promise of our newfound democracy.

Twenty-seven years later, this Freedom Day, Constitution Hill is calling on all South Africans to recommit to collectively build our constitutional democracy in which the human dignity, equality and freedom of everyone are recognised. 

READ: 'We're far from freedom' says Shack Dwellers' Movement

“For the first time, the Will of the People will be projected onto the iconic walls of the historic site of prisons where so many freedom fighters were imprisoned right next to the Constitutional Court,” it said in a statement. 

“The Court now stands as evidence of the achievement of human will and as a beacon of light and hope.  This will remind South Africans of the power we have to use our voice to strengthen our democracy.”

The light projection and sound installation will be open to the public free of charge from Freedom Day, Tuesday 27 April until Sunday 2 May. 

The entire site will also, be open to the public for free all day on 27 April.

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