Concerns over blood alcohol kit shortages

Concerns over blood alcohol kit shortages

With the festive season travel picking up in parts of KZN, the DA says it's concerned about the shortage of blood alcohol kits in the province. 

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The party says it's received a written response to questions about the kits from Transport MEC Sipho Hlomuka. 

He revealed that KZN has 140 of these test kits available for use by traffic authorities carrying out inspections and setting up roadblocks over the busy holiday period. 

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The DA's Sharon Hoosen says they've also been told that a number of RTI vehicles cannot be used, as they need to be serviced. 

"It has been confirmed that the Road Traffic Inspectorate don't have sufficient vehicles on our roads because 25% of it fleet is sitting in garages waiting for repairs and blood alcohol kits are running extremely low."

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