ANC NEC says its recalling President Zuma

ANC NEC says its recalling President Zuma

The ANC's Secretary General Ace Magashule says they have collectively decided to recall President Jacob Zuma. 

Jacob Zuma_jacanews
Photo: Samkelo Maseko

Magashule has been giving feedback on the hours-long meeting of the ANC's National Executive Committee held yesterday.

He says the decision was taken after exhaustive discussions.

LISTENPolitical Analyst sheds light on Jacob Zuma recall

"The decision of the NEC provides certainty to the people of South Africa at a time where economic and social challenges facing the country requires urgent and resolute responses by all sections of society. It is critical that all South Africans are united around the task of growth, job creation and economic transformation," he says. 

The President has not been given a deadline to resign, but is expected to respond tomorrow.

Listen to Magashule's full statement below:

Magashule and deputy, Jessie Duarte delivered Zuma’s recall letter to the presidential guesthouse after the NEC meeting. 

ALSO READ: The ANC is to blame for Zuma drama: analyst

President Jacob Zuma was sworn into office in 2009. And re-elected for a second term in 2014.

ANC caucus spokesperson, Nonceba Mhlauli has confirmed the ANC caucus will meet tomorrow morning.

ANC president, Cyril Ramaphosa will be delivering the State of the Nation Address

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