7 suspects in Free State asbestos corruption case granted bail

7 suspects in Free State asbestos corruption case granted bail

Seven people - including a KZN man - who are accused of fraud, corruption and money laundering in connection with an asbestos housing project in the Free State have been granted bail. 

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Thabane Zulu - who is the former Msunduzi municipal manager and a former director general in the national Human Settlements Department - has been given bail of R100 000 - -along with  businessman Sello Radebe; former head of the Free State Human Settlements Department Nthimotse Mokhesi; and former Mangaung Metro Mayor Olly Mlamleli. 

The CEO of Johannesburg company Blackhead Consulting, Edwin Sodi, will have to cough up R500 000 for bail, a sum he has agreed to. 

READ: Official from KZN Premier's office granted bail for tender corruption

Two other accused - Kgotso Monyeki and Mahlomola Matlakala - who works in the supply chain division at the Free State Human Settlements Department - raised concerns about the  bail amount.  

After Matlakala and Monyeki's legal representatives raised concerns regarding the proposed R100 000 bail, prosecutor Johan De Nysschen responded in courtroom 17 that these are extremely serious charges that could land any of the accused in jail for up to 15 years and warned that the R100 000 was the price they had to pay for their involvement. 

The court eventually granted the two bail of R50 000 each. 

De Nysschen also revealed that the investigation is between 80-85% complete and he was ready to hand over the provisional indictment.

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