A snake that can spit and play dead - how awesome!

A snake that can spit and play dead - how awesome!

This week, renowned Snake Rescuer, Nick Evans, features a snake that you won’t necessarily find in Durban, but definitely in the Midlands and definitely in the Northern parts of KZN, like Vryheid.

Rinkhal snake
Nick Evans

The Rinkhals is a highly venomous snake that occurs in our species-rich province, and if you like visiting the Midlands and Drakensberg, it's one you should know about. Nick Evans shares all we need to know about this snake - from bites to poison in your eyes - and its sneaky habit of playing dead.

"While they can spit and it comes in your direction, it is not like a Mozambique Spitting Cobra. A Mozambique Spitting Cobra, if you were in three metres of it (especially an adult) and it wants to hit you in your eye because you're approaching it, it will get you in your eyes and around your face. They are very accurate spitting snakes. The Rinkhals is not like that at all," Nick explains.

Although this snake does not spit as accurately as the Mozambique Spitting Cobra, Nick does warn that you do not go near it.

READ: Common myths and beliefs about snakes

Listen to Nick share more interesting information about this snake, especially thanatosis...

rinkhals snake
Nick Evans

READ: WARNING: Never pick up this snake!

Nick's organisation, KwaZulu-Natal Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, is a chapter of The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organisation.

Contact Nick on 072 809 5806 for information about snake removals. Email him if you'd like to find out about his educational talks.

Find past episodes from Snake Rescue below.


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