Internet stunned by bird capturing a shark-like fish

Internet stunned by bird capturing a shark-like fish

This viral video had many asking the question: "Is this how Sharknado started?"

bird & fish
Facebook/Kelly Burbage

If you thought that 2020 had discarded of all its crazy, then you are in for a surprise. 

Strange things have been happening this year and they just keep getting stranger. If you are familiar with the movie franchise "Sharknado" you will understand just what I mean.

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While beachgoers were enjoying some fun in the sun at a beach in South Carolina, U.S.A, an unusual sight of a massive bird carrying a large fish was captured on video. See why I mentioned "Sharknado"?

Ashley White, whose video soon went viral on social media, revealed in a tweet that she took the video from the 17th floor of the building she was staying at.

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If "wonders never cease" was a video, it would be the one below. Take a look:

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With social media in a frenzy, the video caught the attention of The Asylum - the film company behind the science-fiction franchise "Sharknado."

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IMAGE CREDIT: Facebook/Kelly Burbage

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