Looking for things to do indoors on a rainy day in KZN?

Looking for things to do indoors on a rainy day in KZN?

The weather forecast for the next few days is looking rather gloomy, but your weekend doesn’t have to follow suit.

Here are some things to do on a rainy day/Unsplash
rainy day

Here are 10 things you can do if you are stuck indoors on a rainy day.

Catch up on your favourite show

Whether you are cuddled up on a sofa or relaxing in bed, this weekend is the perfect time to catch up on some of your favourite TV shows.

Read: #WorldSandwichDay - What makes the perfect sandwich?

Movie marathon

Keep your whole family entertained by planning a movie marathon. Select several family-friendly movies, make some popcorn and hot chocolate, and you are good to go.

Read: Funny restaurant and movie store prank goes viral

Play board games

Let the games begin! Board games are a perfect way to have some fun indoors with your family and friends. There are plenty to choose from so you are sure to find a few everyone will enjoy.

Get your baking mittens on

There is nothing more satisfying on a cold day than indulging in some tasty treats like fresh-out-the-oven chocolate chip cookies or muffins. Make them yourself to help pass the time, and serve them with marshmallows and hot chocolate. Yummy!

Read a book

Stimulate your mind by reading a good book. If you don’t have money to buy the latest bestsellers, reread one of your favourite novels.

Treasure hunt

Kids can get bored when they have to stay indoors. Keep them entertained by organising fun activities like a treasure hunt. An indoor camp is also a great idea to keep them busy.

Bubble bath

Sometimes doing nothing at all is just what your tired body needs. Run a bubble bath and just relax. You deserve it!

Cuddle buddies

Enjoy some quality time with your significant other. Cuddle up in front of the TV or organise a romantic dinner while catching up on each other’s week. Ditch the phone if you want to enjoy a distraction free conversation!

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Main image attribution: Unsplash

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