Eat your way to healthy skin

Eat your way to healthy skin

You don’t have spend big bucks to have healthy, glowing skin. KZN fitness and wellness expert, Lisa Raleigh, tells you how…

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You don’t have spend big bucks to have healthy, glowing skin. KZN fitness and wellness expert, Lisa Raleigh, tells you how….

Collagen keeps our skin supple and youthful, but don’t be fooled by face creams promising to boost collagen levels. It’s produced in an area of the skin that cream can’t penetrate, so vitamin C is your best bet. Skip the creams and stock up on guavas, kiwis, strawberries and red peppers.

You’re only as healthy as your gut. Around 70% of your immune system is located in your gut, and sluggish digestion can leave the body susceptible to viruses and infection. Stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables and high fibre foods to clean the colon, prevent blockages and help your skin glow.

Your diet can keep you looking younger for longer. Soy beans, salmon, whole eggs and raw olive oil are your top contenders, so include them into a healthy diet as often as possible.

What’s good for your diet is good for your looks. Sugar and excess salt are your worst offenders, followed closely by refined carbs and excess caffeine. Keep these damaging foods to a minimum and your wrinkles will follow suit.

Control inflammation with berries and turmeric. An anti-inflammatory diet will minimize bloating and promote healthier skin as well.  Berries are your best bet, as is turmeric.

Catch Lisa Raleigh on Wellness in the WorkZone every day, Monday to Friday

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