Durban Asks Tracey 18 March

Durban Asks Tracey 18 March

Need a bit of help or advice? Why not ask Tracey and let her guide you?

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Need a bit of help or advice? Why not ask Tracey and let her guide you?

Hi Tracey
We are mourning the loss of our dearest boss.  The office is affected so badly as this was so sudden. Please can you help us come to terms with this.


Dear Anon

Losing someone close to you can be very tragic, especially if you didn’t see it coming. Just remember that the human body is just a vehicle that moves you from point A to point B. Thoughts and emotions combined make up the spirit of the body, (the driver of the vehicle). The spirit cannot be buried with the body; it moves on to be spiritually free. Just know that your boss is very much around the office and their home. Now imagine how you would feel if you were in their place right now and saw all these people battling to deal with the loss of you. It would sadden you. So I advise you all remember your boss for the wonderful joyous moments you shared and the valuable lessons you learned. By doing this, your entire thought patterns will change to a more positive note, the energy in the office will be of a happy nature and your boss will be smiling down on all of you. Try it!

Hi Tracey

Will my current financial and career/job situation change?  My life seems to be at a dead end right now with regard to my career and current job. I feel as though I’m going nowhere fast! Every time I set my mind completing my studies something always comes in the way and that never happens. This depresses me a lot. Although I’m very happy at my current job, I feel as thou I’m not going anywhere here and that I’m going to be stuck in the same position forever and I’m seriously considering applying for other jobs. Please advise if this is the right thing to do right now and if my current job situation will change? Will I have to look for another job or will things change here for the better?

Dear S

I’m a firm believer in completing something that you have started. No matter what obstacles are put in your way, find a way around them and complete the task at hand.
In other words, finish your studies. By doing this that feeling of satisfaction that you have completed the task will elevate your confidence to heights you’ve rarely experienced. The feeling of accomplishment alone will change the way you are thinking altogether. Stemming from these new positive thoughts, comes a brand new, self confident attitude. Laws of attraction together with this new attitude will open doors for you that you never believed possible. Getting my drift?


Hi Tracey
Please can you tell me if my family is going to be alright. My sons getting married this year. My husband is stressed all the time. I would like to know what is in store for us this year .

Dear Anon

Just remember to always start your day on a positive note. Start by waking up in the mornings and put a smile on your face. Think of all the good things you do have in your life and see how blessed you are to have them. Keep this smile on your face, feel it in your heart and feel it in your steps. By doing this, you are surrounding yourself with an abundance of good energy which will radiate around your home and touch everyone in it. I feel that by complimenting your husband for his efforts will also have a great impact on his stress levels. He feels he is trying so hard in life and yet no one actually notices. I can assure you of one thing, the more happy and content your husband feels, the easier it is to see solutions to situations that overwhelm him. When one is stressed and angry they cant see ANYTHING. The best decisions in life are those made with a calm mind. So work towards this by making him feel that all his efforts are appreciated and that he is the best thing that has happened to you. Your son is a wonderful man and will raise his family with a good head on his shoulders. However he is prone to erratic behaviour from time to time when confronted with a difficult decision. Communication with his new wife is going to be very important. He often chooses to deal with problems alone rather than discuss them. If he can change this small aspect in his life, things will be so much more smoother.

Hi Tracey

I am a 24year old who has never has a smooth sailing life.  I have had difficulty in the past few years with finding employment and I was studying but I have stopped due to finance for my studies.  However I have found employment in the past 8months and I’m not sure if I should go back to my studies as I am studying human resource management, although I am working I still have difficulty financially.  As well has my love life I have difficulty every relationship iv ever had lead me to being cheated on. Its over two years since I have been in a serious relationship, will I ever find my life partner anytime soon.  Is 2013 going to be a good year for me?

 Miss N

Dear Miss N

Here’s a newsflash for you.... NOBODY on this planet has ever had a smooth sailing life. It’s the choices we make that determine the outcome of our lives. For eg. You constantly pick men that have similar traits. The bad boys, the lost boys, the boys that you want to take care of and look after. How about starting to believe that you can actually attract a strong man with decent morals and principles? How do you do this? You have faith and belief that one day the right person will come into your life. Never give up on this belief EVER!
As soon as you are able to complete your studies, I advise you do this. Not only will it give you a feeling of satisfaction it will open new doors for a complete career change.


Hi Tracey
I started dating someone last year, and we were perfect for each other, but we broke up after 6 months, due to constant arguing and fighting. I did meet someone else in January. But still think of my ex girlfriend. I wanted to know is there a chance of me getting back together with her?

Dear S

The worse thing you could ever do is go backwards in life. By trying to save a failed relationship is a recipe for disaster. You broke up for a reason remember that. Getting back together may seem great initially but after the first fight you have EVERYTHING from the past will be brought up, thrown in each others faces and your respect for one another will disappear in an instance. Let go, focus on securing a good solid friendship in the new relationship as this is a critical MUST in any relationship. Once the "love" changes, the friendship still has a rock solid foundation.


* If you’d like to send through a question for Tracey, please email [email protected] with “Ask Tracey” in the subject line. Tracey will not respond to questions posed online itself.

* While we welcome all questions, regrettably Tracey will not be able to address every one of them.

* All questions and Tracey’s responses will be published, so should you wish to remain anonymous please make that clear in your email.

* Please supply your full date of birth i.e. 31 May 1976. This will not be published.

* Please limit your email to one question only.

*To set up an appointment to see Tracey Webber, call 083 742 7111.

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