Are you for or against curves?

Are you for or against curves?

Kim Kardashian and Kate Winslet. Two celebrities. Two different takes on their baby weight. Where do you fit in?


Kim Kardashian and Kate Winslet. Two celebrities. Two different takes on their baby weight. Where do you fit in?

“I don't want to spend time thinking about the size of my a***!” You can always trust Oscar winner Kate Winslet to say it like it is – and this time she’s taking on Hollywood’s obsession with weight.

Kate is pregnant with her third child and says she’ll be no hurry to lose the extra weight she’s piled on. “I want to be around for my children. That's it. Those are the priorities. Not getting a flat stomach,” Kate has told Time Out.

"Don’t get me wrong, I like staying fit and healthy, it’s all part of a healthy attitude to life. I don’t think I’m alone in this. I’m seeing more and more curvier actresses out there."

Meanwhile….Kanye West wants girlfriend Kim Kardashian to hold onto her curves. Kim’s been hitting the gym to try and shed the weight she put on while pregnant with daughter North.

                                Kim at the height of her pregnancy

Kim has been working hard with celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, working up a sweat for up to four hours a day in the gym. She has completely cut out carbs from her diet and has already lost considerable weight.  

However, Kanye loves her body the way it is and trying to convince Kim to hold onto her curves. He thinks she looks amazing even though she doesn’t feel the same.

A source has told Star Magazine, “Kanye’s reassuring her that she looks fantastic, but she’s still feeling self-conscious, wearing clothes that swamp her figure and dying her brunette locks golden to draw attention away from her body.”

What do you think? Is Kate’s attitude spot on or is Kim correct about wanting to go back to her pre-baby weight?

- The E Files

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