A street snack that has left the internet confused...

A street snack that has left the internet confused...

All we can hear is 'Ice, Ice Baby' playing the background...

Ice cubes on a grilling grid with seasoning
Ice cubes on a grilling grid with seasoning/Instagram Screenshot/@radii_media

There are some crazy things that we have come across when it comes to street foods. 

Not long ago we heard about river rocks that were being seasoned and stir-fried

Now, it seems something on the street food side of things in China has topped that. 

Grilled Ice Cubes. Yes. You would be right to have that confused face right about now, because it really is a thing. 

"According to a number of news reports from China, the bizarre street snack was made famous by a short clip shot at a street food stall in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. In it, we can see large ice cubes being cooked on an open grill and seasoned with sauces and spices, before being served on a plate." (Oddity Central)

Of course, we're wondering how much they cost. But it seems it is offered as a free treat and is quite popular on hot summer days. 

Take a look at the video shared on Instagram by Radii Media. 

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Chinese news outlets managed to track the man behind the popular street food snack down after the above video went viral. 

"Apparently, the man came up with the idea for grilled ice on a hot day, as a way to cool people off. It was meant as a joke, but people ended up loving it, so he kept making it. The bizarre street food doesn’t cost anything, but people wanting to try it – and there are reportedly plenty – have to request it in advance." (Oddity Central)

The question on many people's lips is, how do you eat it? Suck the spice off and then spit it out or let is melt in your mouth? Guess, you are welcome to try it out this Braai Day...

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