POV: Your mom is on her death bed and your siblings are taking pics of her...

POV: Your mom is on her death bed and your siblings are taking pics of her...

That is just inappropriate on so many levels...

A woman holding a patient's hand in hospital
A woman holding a patient's hand in hospital/Pexels

A woman has taken to Reddit to share how upset she is with her siblings for not reading the room. 

Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and passed away four weeks after her diagnosis. 

This meant they did not have much time to spend with her.

The mother was in hospital and on the night of her passing, the hospital had called her and her siblings, telling them that they should come through. 

Besides the stress and anxiety that she was feeling knowing that this may well be the last moments she sees her mother alive, there was a room of screaming, rowdy children to compete with. 

Her siblings' children were running and playing during her mother's last moments. 

Now some may argue that this sounds like exactly the type of surrounding a person who is on their death bed would want - a lasting memory of normality instead of morbidity. 

And that would be okay in our books, but this is where things got a bit weird. 

Her siblings decided that taking pictures of their dying mother in her last moments was more important than spending time with her. 

She wrote in her post: "After going back and forth with each of the kids for about half an hour, my siblings asked if I could take a group photo of them with mum while all of them held their children." (MSN)

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She wanted to stay longer and just be there with her mother during her last moments. But, sadly, they all drove together, and her siblings insisted (after the photoshoot) to take the kids home as it was late. 

After driving with them, she opted to return to the hospital and to spend some alone time with her mother, but it was too late. 

Her mum had passed.

She was enraged by the whole thing and even more so when she saw that they had posted on their social media that their mum had passed using those same images. 

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