Offer letter asks employee to follow vegan diet at workplace

Offer letter asks employee to follow vegan diet at workplace

Whatever happened to freedom of diet?

Two trays of foods
Two trays of foods/Pexels

Sometimes people will agree to pretty much anything to get employment. 

But what if the company you have applied to is asking you to conform to ridiculous regulations? 

One person shared an email that they received from a potential future employee. 

They asked the community of Reddit if this was actually something a company could base their hiring decision on. 

Most of the email is blanked out but the point in question says the following: 

"Our workplaces are strictly vegan. You do not have to be vegan away from work, but you do need to bring vegan lunch and plant milks to eat on site or eat lunch offsite. Can you confirm you are fine with this?"

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Applied for a job, received this in an email. Can they really force this upon me or not hire be based on this??
by u/Reezeyyy in mildlyinfuriating

Many people came through in the comments with their opinions. Many threatened to sue the company. 

But to answer the actual question, one person provided a succinct answer. As per the comment, the person said the below answer is in relation to US law. 

by u/LithiumLizzard from discussion Applied for a job, received this in an email. Can they really force this upon me or not hire be based on this??
in mildlyinfuriating
by u/AcererakTheDevourer from discussion Applied for a job, received this in an email. Can they really force this upon me or not hire be based on this??
in mildlyinfuriating
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