Before Google there was Chappies in South Africa

Before Google there was Chappies in South Africa

Ah, what a time it was, Chappies bubblegum was the 'it' candy. 

The Chappies Chipmunk with Chappies bubblegum at the back
The Chappies Chipmunk with Chappies bubblegum at the back/Instagram Screenshot/@gosomewhereslow

There are many South Africanisms that we have as a nation that set us apart from the rest of our continent and the world. 

And we can firmly say that we take pride in these South Africanisms. 

A video that reminded us of one of these South Africanisms appeared on Instagram last month when Google celebrated its 25th birthday. 

The video, which was posted by the 'gosomewhereslow' page, took us on a trip down memory lane to what feels like another era. 

The video starts by saying that before Google, South Africa had Chappies. 

This opened up the topic of the 'Did You Know' facts that made Chappies so unique. 

The Did You Know facts were introduced on the wrapper of the famous South African bubblegum in 1948 when Arthur Ginsburg created Chappies in rival to Wicks. 

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Watch the flashback video. Courtesy of Instagram

In 2018, Cape Town etc reported that the Chappies wrappers had over 60 years of information wrapped up in them. 

Chappies have been around for 75 years and we can firmly say that even though the price has escalated and there are quite a few competitors on the market, nothing beats finding a blue Chappie in the yellow wrapper. 

To end off on a great note, "Did you know? Chewing gum helps improve memory and cognitive performance, as well as eating habits and managing weight." (CapeTownetc)

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Images Courtesy of TikTok and Instagram

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