Find out why this man willingly switched seats with a family and their baby

Find out why this man willingly switched seats with a family and their baby

And to think he got rewarded for doing this...

Passengers seated on the plane
Passengers seated on the plane/Pexels

We recently covered a story about a woman who said that she would pay to fly with adults only. 

Well, a man who chose to share his own flying story is marked a hero by flight attendants, but little did they know that the underlying reason behind his kindness was actually selfish.

He created a duet video on TikTok with @mooorganic, who first spoke about adult-only flights during her screaming child flight. 

This was her original video, courtesy of TikTok

@mooorganic The flight was 3 hours and I listened to this the entire time #travel ♬ original sound - Mo

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tysonclifton8 did a duet with her video sharing that about a year ago he booked his flight early to ensure he gets a window seat. 

Once he boarded, a woman with a baby came to sit next to him and asked if he would switch seats with her husband so that they could sit together during the flight and he could help her with their baby. 

He agreed and got a bad deal, as he ended up seated at the back of the plane in the middle seat. So this left us somewhat confused considering he made an effort to book in advance and just gave up his seat so willingly.  

He went on to share that the flight attendant approached him and told him that he would be receiving complimentary drinks throughout the flight for his kindness. 

And then as if a boulder hit us over our heads, he reveals that he felt a little bad for enjoying his unlimited rum and cokes, as his intentions were not kind at all. 

Find out why he gave up his seat so willingly. Courtesy of TikTok

@tysonclifton8 #stitch with @Mo #itiswhatitis #idontknowhowtousehashtags #amiwrong #funny ♬ original sound - Tyson Clifton
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