A 72-year-old grandfather passes away after a fight breaks out in his neighbourhood

A 72-year-old grandfather killed over a parking dispute in his neighbourhood

A grandfather, who was 72-years-old, passes away in his generally quiet residential town. 

Granddad gets killed over parking disbute

We are all aware of the stresses of everyday life and we can't say that we don't relate. We walk around not showing the true depth of worry or concern that we have in our personal lives and this can sometimes translate into impatience or anger over something small that gets blown out of proportion in a split second. 

We can't say for sure if this is what happened in this situation, it could well have been a contributing factor, though. 

The police were called to Warwickshire, United Kingdom on Thursday after reports of disturbances were received around 08:30 am. 

"Neighbours claim the unnamed victim was killed by a man wielding a brick, with a dispute over blocking driveways having been an ongoing issue," Mirror reports.

The police confirmed that five people were arrested in connection with the incident, one who is suspected of murder. The street is known to many as a fairly quiet and nice street, so residents were left shocked when they woke up to numerous police and emergency vehicles. 

One resident that chose to remain anonymous, said that there are always arguments over parking on the street. Whilst another resident said that apparently a brick was picked up during the argument. 

A spokesperson from the West Midlands Ambulance Services said that they were called to the scene around 08:50 am and when they arrived, they found a man in critical condition. 

"Staff worked quickly to administer advanced life support to the patient on scene but sadly, despite the best efforts, nothing could be done to save the man and he was confirmed dead at the scene," a spokesperson said.

Two other people were also said to be injured but were discharged on the scene. The police are currently investigating what actually happened, but as of now, it can be said that all the people involved in the incident were known to each other. 

The police are currently urging anyone with knowledge about what happened or with video footage to come forward. 

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

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