Dustin Hoffman breaks down In tears! Find out why?

WATCH: Dustin Hoffman breaks down In tears! Find out why?

After discovering his family’s painful secret, Dustin Hoffman broke down! 

dustin hoffman

I don't know enough about my family. It seems that our family history was not well documented. Various aunts have tried to make sense of it all, but there are glaring gaps, omissions, missing persons. 

I have always wondered why? When I was younger I would lie on my bed imagining some royal ancestry, some dark horse who change the course of history, a genius, perhaps a madman or madwoman! When I traveled to Northern India, sporting a groomed beard, locals commented that I looked similar to some Moghul princes! They probably tell that to all foreigners with beards. 

Some people I have met think I am Greek, some think I am Lebanese. I may have these genes in me. Not knowing has always  made me wonder about who came before me, and what they had to endure so that I could be sitting in a cafe in Glenwood writing this post. 

When Dustin Hoffman found out about his great- great grandmother he broke down. It is wow! 

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