"Not many people know this about me but..."
Updated | By East Coast Radio
How well do you really know the people in your life?

You never really know what happens behind closed doors.
READ: "I wrote something on my dad's car..." - Minnie Ntuli
Everyone has their guilty pleasures or secrets that they try to hide from others. It could be something as small as being obsessed with a boyband. Maybe you enjoy going to the movies alone?
READ: What do cheaters, Uber drivers, and teachers have in common?
Whatever the case may be, you might think you know your mom or best friend really well...until some new information comes to light.
Minnie Ntuli decided to ask KZN to share the juicy bits of their lives by saying "not many people know this about me but..."
Listen below to find out what they had to say:
For more unmissable moments, listen here:
Main image courtesy of iStock
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