Woman tortures neighbour with Ed Sheeran song, is jailed

Woman tortures neighbour with Ed Sheeran song, is jailed

Have you ever heard of something like this?


People mowing their lawns really early in the morning, ringing door bells and then hiding, loud parties, and dogs barking 24/7...

When neighbours irritate each other, it can get really messy, and it seems some people go out of their way to cause hassles.

But seriously, if you can't get on, surely it would be better (and more mature) to communicate and meet to just talk things through? Compromise, people!

See: Dentist's parody on Ed Sheeran's Shape of You is epic!

But for one neighbour, it's the Ed Sheeran song 'Shape Of You' that she plays at top volume over and over - and over again, to purposely irritate her neighbour.

And now, this continual torture has put her behind bars for a third time!

Apparently the straw that broke the camel’s back came when she played the same Ed Sheeran ballad on a loop for about half an hour.

Have you got noisy or really irritating neighbours? What do they do that cheeses you off?

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