Wife gives husband a haircut and it goes all wrong

Wife gives husband a haircut and it goes all wrong

Men are missing their barbers and are asking their wives to help with a fresh cut.

Midia / Pexels

Don't let your wife cut your hair unless she's a professional.

Josh Bringedahl found out the hard way when he left his overly confident wife, Rachel, to cut his hair, even though she's never done it before.

They used a beard trimmer and a pair of kitchen scissors. Rachel started by shaving the side of his head and then cut the top. He knew things weren't going too well when she began laughing out loud as she worked.

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She proceeded to watch a YouTube video on how to fix a bad haircut, but it was too late.

"I knew the barber wouldn't be opening anytime soon, so I figured I'd let her take a whack at it. She seemed really confident about it. She went in by shaving the side of my head and started cutting the top with the scissors. But midway, she started giggling to herself and then began laughing so hard she couldn't talk. Then I realised something was really wrong," he said.

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After sending pictures of his disastrous haircut to his friends and family, Josh has been inundated with jokes about how he looked like Lloyd (Jim Carrey) from the movie 'Dumb and Dumber'.

bad haircut
Screenshot: Mirror Online

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