This woman thinks she's 'too hot' to find love

This woman thinks she's 'too hot' to find love

Viewers got more than they bargained for when a 44-year-old mother of four claimed that she's 'too attractive' to find a boyfriend.

Too attractive to date
Daily Mail

A mom of four kids has been mocked by television viewers after she claimed she was having a hard time finding love because she's 'too attractive'. 

Dawn Cousins, a receptionist and a YouTube Vlogger, boasted that she had men constantly falling at her feet because of her youthful appearance, requesting pictures of her, but not wanting any further involvement. 

Read: Are your dating standards too high and keeping you single?

She even went on to say that she wishes she didn't 'look so good', so she could find a long-term partner who is not with her merely for her looks. Dawn also claimed that it's not just men falling at her feet but says that she even gets attention from her daughters' friends and her own colleagues, and this has resulted in her getting distracted at work. 

Viewers snapped back saying she was 'a deluded alpha female' and is 'self-obsessed and arrogant'.

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As expected, Twitter exploded with a bunch of pretty strong reactions:

Check out the interview here:

The cherry on top was that apparently she's even mistaken for her daughters' sister. Can you ever?!

I am all for confidence and being proud of who you are, but how far is too far? Also, she possibly needs to do some introspection because being overly confident can be off-putting. 

I am interested to know what you think. Is this self-confidence and about being proud of her appearance or is she simply arrogant and self-obsessed?

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