Taxi driver finds unique way to 'cruise' down highway

Taxi driver finds unique way to 'cruise' down highway

We're always telling taxi drivers to take it easy on the roads but we didn't think that some of them would actually take our request this seriously?

taxi driver feet up

Aah, taxi drivers - most of us have a love-hate relationship with them. Obviously, we love the fact that they provide transportation to South Africans who don't own a vehicle, but some of us simply can't stand their, uhm, interesting way of navigating the roads. Well, just when I thought I had seen it all - I saw THIS! 

Times Live posted an insane video showing a taxi driver driving on the M1 in Joburg with his leg dangling out of the window. I guess you'd be as gobsmacked as this motorist who saw this while driving along the highway.

Read: Taxi driver survives dramatic Phoenix taxi crash

The taxi driver probably had a tough day at the office and just needed to put his feet, uhm, I mean, foot up. But hanging it out the window while attempting to drive is on another level!

You definitely don't want to try this while driving - I must reiterate that you should have full concentration while on the road. However, I do suggest that you put your feet (or foot) up this weekend and relax.

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