This flashmob video goes viral

This flashmob video goes viral

People on social media are losing their minds after seeing this super awesome flashmob video used to promote Halls candy.

Halls Flash Mob

For me - there's nothing like a flashmob! 

Read: Flashmob spinning class proposal

It gets the attention of a crowd of unassuming onlookers and without warning, people are dancing or engaging in unison.

Read: Amazing granny crowd surfs on train


The first flash mobs happened in 2003 and since then we've seen a ton of flash mobs happen for different reasons. 

Whether it's just to create fun and a great vibe at a public event or it's to advertise a certain product, it's certainly a way of getting people to take notice. We've even seen people using flash mobs to propose to the one's they love.

Here's a flash mob that I love and one of the reasons I love it is because it happened right here in South Africa.

Not only is the choreography spectacular but the reaction from the crowd is simply priceless.

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