Damon talks the 'Festival of Lights' with Ashwin Trikamjee

Damon talks the 'Festival of Lights' with Ashwin Trikamjee

How much do you know about Diwali? Damon had a chat with Ashwin Trikamjee from the SA Hindu Maha Sabha to learn more.

diwali flickr

Listen as Damon chats to Ashwin Trikamjee in the podcast then read more below:

There's a festive vibe in the Durban air. Sweetmeats, clay lamps, fireworks, and pretty outfits - yes, people, Diwali is back. But have you ever stopped to find out more about the 'Festival of Lights'?

Read - Diwali: The true meaning of the Hindu Festival of Lights

Well, I had the honour of chatting to Ashwin Trikamjee, who has served on various religious and cultural bodies within the Hindu community and is also the President of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha. He is also the former Chairperson of the National Religious Leaders Forum.

I chatted with him to find out what Diwali is all about, how it is celebrated, what the spiritual significance is, and what it means to the people.  

Read: Fireworks safety tips for Diwali

Take a listen to our chat in the podcast below:

To bring you up to speed, I found this quick video which gives you 10 random facts that you probably didn't know about Diwali.

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