The dachshund lending a loving paw to people in frail care

The dachshund lending a loving paw to people in frail care

Top Dogs is a therapy dog service that visits across Johannesburg to offer some companionship and bring joy to those in need 

haley the dog
Supplied: Beautiful News

From chihuahuas to Great Danes, you can’t deny the heartwarming power dogs have. That’s why they make the best helpers in times of need. Take Hayley the dachshund cross. She accompanies her trainer, Diane Logie, to bring companionship to people in frail care centres. With a tail that never fails to wag, her electric energy recharges everyone. “Hayley is the happiest dog you’ll ever meet,” Logie says. “She’s just got so much love to give.” 

Hayley is a member of Top Dogs, a non-profit organisation that visits hospitals, old-age homes, and rehabilitation centres. They also host educational programmes for children to learn how to care for and bond with animals. Each canine harbours their own personality and preferences. For Hayley, her specialisation is older folk. For the past two and a half years, she has been visiting frail care centres in Johannesburg. Here, the residents may experience difficulty transitioning into a new environment. Luckily, this dachshund is more than happy to put a smile on their faces and keep them company as they adjust. “Hayley gets to give attention and cuddles,” Logie says. 

Beyond comfort, the calming effect of animals like Hayley may help fight depression and reduce stress. “Dogs can really make a huge impact on our lives,” Logie says. Sometimes, a little love from a four-legged friend is all you need to brighten up your day.

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