Adorable video shows what actually happens when dad is left alone with baby

Adorable video shows what actually happens when dad is left alone with baby

Mom has to leave her baby and dad is left in charge. Ever wondered what happens next? Find out here.

Dad left alone with baby / Facebook
Dad left alone with baby / Facebook

Okay, so as you know, I may not be a parent as yet, but I do love a good old video of an adorable baby. 

I know they have said in the past that kids do the craziest things, but it seems that after watching this video, we need to be warned about dads being left in charge when mom is not around. 

READ: World's tiniest surviving baby born in California

A dad found himself alone with his oh-so-adorable baby, so he decided to strap baby to his chest, and had a bit of fun by manoeuvring the kid around, simulating some epic dance moves. 

This nunu 'breaks it down' with ease. Perhaps a career in dancing is on the cards? 

READ - How to stop a baby from crying: Dad finds 'creative' method to do so

Did I mention that the dad is super easy on the eye? Eye candy for days! 

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