Your partner's lunch-making skills: Should lying about it be frowned upon?

Your partner's lunch-making skills: Should lying about it be frowned upon?

Jane's producer is in a bit of a dilemma and does not know how to fess up without breaking his girlfriend's heart.

lies flickr

What lies do you tell your partner after they’ve made you lunch and you don’t like it?

This topic came about as Simon's girlfriend always makes food for him. She wakes up early every day to make his breakfast and his lunch, but some days he comes home with a full lunch box and doesn’t have the heart to tell her he doesn’t like what she makes. 

Read: Is it ever okay to lie to your partner?

Hearing his dilemma, it just brought back a flood of memories when opening my lunchbox in primary school. My daring mom, bless her, used to make me sandwiches with marmite and lettuce on them. That was okay, but not when my green juice had leaked onto the bread. Yuck! 

I see the same thing with my kids too. I give them a hard time when they come home and their food is not eaten, but once I got wind that my one child was giving food away, and even worse, heard a tale of full yoghurt pots being thrown in the bin to side-step interrogation. 

Read: What are some of the most common lies that you tell?

I think Simon needs to fess up and he will probably find that his lady is happy not to have the task of making his lunch anymore?


Do you ever arrive at work with a lunch that's been packed with love but find it very unexciting? Have you had the heart to speak up about your partner's lunch-making skills?

Also read: Does your partner have any weird or strange habits?

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