Woman joins street musician for impromptu performance

Woman joins street musician for impromptu performance

When these two voices came together, it sounded like they had been singing together for years!

street musician

There's just something about the power of music. It has the ability to bring people together, irrespective of their background, culture, and even different social classes.

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This amazing impromptu musical performance just proves that sometimes unplanned performances are the best type of performances. A street musician was performing in Washington Square Park in New York to Smokey Robinson's hit 'Ooo Baby Baby' when he called out a woman from the audience to help him out to sing with him.

You would think that a random onlooker would be shy and wouldn't take a chance singing in front of a crowd, but not this woman. When she belted out this hit with the musician, it's like they've been singing together for decades.

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Their voices are pure gold and will leave you wanting to hear more from these two. Wow! 

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