Tourists miss incredible moment because they looked the wrong way

Tourists miss incredible moment because they looked the wrong way

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and these people totally missed out on it!

whale watching

Tourists flock to Sydney, Australia to hopefully get a glimpse of a whale jumping out of the water.

Well, imagine you are one of those tourists coming from afar and you have the shot of a lifetime right next to you and you totally miss it?

See: Humpback whale does incredible backflip

Well that’s exactly what happened to tourists this past week in Australia while whale watching.

A humpback whale put on a spectacular show for tourists sitting on a boat just meters away from it and they totally missed the incredible moment because they were looking the wrong way

Fortunately, one British photographer managed to capture the moment.

Bonnie Tyler's turn around comes to mind when looking at this picture! Can you imagine missing such a moment!

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