Tess Holliday has been met with mixed reaction for Cosmopolitan cover

Tess Holliday has been met with mixed reaction for Cosmopolitan cover

Tess Holliday is a plus-size model who recently graced the cover of the popular magazine. She has been both praised and criticised, and had one Piers Morgan up in arms.

#HotGoss 4 September 2018 2
Instagram/ @cosmopolitanuk/ https://www.instagram.com/cosmopolitanuk/

KZN reacts to Piers Morgan comments “What a load of old baloney. This cover is just as dangerous & misguided as having skinny models.”

Tess Holliday is a plus-size model who is unashamedly proud of the way she looks and has appeared in numerous clothing campaigns. With her strong following of one-million people on Instagram, the model flaunts exactly who she is and now she graces the cover of Cosmopolitan

Read: This plus-size model has the confidence to match her critics

Since the magazine launch, people have been on two sides of the spectrum; some proud and other's saying that she is promoting an unhealthy lifestyle for young, impressionable minds. Many have accused the model of glamourising obesity

Read: Thandolwethu’s guide to plus-size fashion

The ever-vocal Piers Morgan got into a heated row with the Cosmo editor Farrah Storr, but she was having none of it. His argument included, "This country is getting fatter and fatter and fatter ... It's not right to encourage people to feel inspired by very very fat people, or skinny skinny rakes."

He even went so far as to post this on his Instagram account:

Actress Tina Malone joined in on the debate and said she reluctantly agrees with Piers.

Editor Farrah Storr defended her decision to make Tess Holliday the cover star, stating: "'I’m celebrating her. I am not celebrating morbid obesity." Her followers have also come out in full support, thanking her for being the voice of a marginalised population. 

Watch below:

Personally, this magazine cover is an interesting one. While I am all over being body positive and loving who and what you are, I wonder if this cover is a little irresponsible? Isn't this as dangerous as putting an emaciated, waif-like skeleton on the cover? This seems a little extreme? 

Read: Online retailer under fire for advertising plus-sized tights

However, in saying that, it is exciting that an industry that usually kneels at the altar of skin and bones is taking a different approach. It begs the question of health though, I would think.

For me, as a mom with meat, I want to promote being comfortable with my body - which is a constant journey, but also being active, having a piece of cake on the weekend, and striving for balance.

Here's what Twitter had to say about the cover:

Do you think putting a plus-size model on the cover of a magazine does more harm than good?

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