Newborn only stops crying after her Dad plays this trailer

Newborn only stops crying after her dad plays this trailer

The minute she hears this playing, this baby’s tears come to a halt. Adorable!

baby star wars trailer

Having a screaming baby to deal with is a delicate process that requires quick thinking and ninja type execution.

 Parents will go to the extremes to end the drama and find a place of zen contentment. I can remember rocking, swaying, and in sheer depression at times, bundling the small human into the car and hitting the road of our neighborhood. 

This was not only for my baby but also for my sanity. In a few seconds, the motion of the car ride and music playing stopped my little one’s crying and the jackpot moment of slumber would present itself. Score! However, removing the precious cargo from the baby seat to get inside our home was a whole other operation all together.

I came across this video which popped up on my timeline of a dad having a noble idea to soothe his little girl by playing her the ‘Star Wars: the Force Awakens’ trailer. The moment he plays it, her crying comes to a halt and she is completely fixated on the screen and soothed. What quick thinking!

 What extremes have you gone to to soothe an upset baby? Share your comments below: 

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