Mom shares letter to the doctor who advised her to abort her pregnancy

Mom shares letter to the doctor who advised her to abort her pregnancy

Children are all amazing, remember that.

Letter to doctor

Oh man, all I want to do is smother that little face with kisses followed by a warm hug.


This is a pretty controversial situation.


A mom was told that she should abort her baby because its quality of life would be 'horrible'.


Her child was going to be born with Down Syndrome and the doctor thought that it would be best to not give birth.


Courtney Baker, the mom, decided to give birth to a beautiful little girl. A year later she wrote a letter to her prenatal specialist to tell them exactly what Emersyn is like.


Baker says that Emersyn is "perfect" and she is not bitter at the specialist because they will never have "the privilege of knowing my daughter".


When reading the letter, my first thought was surely the place of a specialist is to inform, advise, and step back?


I mean isn't it the parents’ choice as to if they are going to keep their baby or not?


I would also have dreaded my check-ups knowing I was going to be in a state of defence all the time.


Good on Emmy’s mom for sending that letter! What are your thoughts on how this doctor behaved?

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