Meet the girl who has grown her hair for 13 years!

Meet the girl who has grown her hair for 13 years!

She has not gone for a haircut in 13 years and it’s all for a good cause.


Every now and then I become hell bent on the idea of growing my hair.


It never lasts very long. The truth is I don't have the patience!


The Durban humidity doesn't help much either in my quest to have long, sleek, black pony hair.


This gorgeous Russian woman takes hair growing to a whole different level!


Dashik Gubanova Freckle started growing her hair 13 years ago and now it’s down to her calves!


When her hair reaches her toes she plans to donated it for wigs


In the meantime, she’s gotten over 100-thousand Instagram followers checking out her photos, which are mostly of her posing with her hair!

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