Kid sues his parents for being born a 'Ginger'

Kid sues his parents for being born a 'Ginger'

A redhead kid has launched a controversial lawsuit against his parents for not preventing his birth!

mom and son

A 13-year-old boy has filed a 'wrongful life' lawsuit against his red haired parents alleging that they knew their children would inherit this undesirable trait. 

He is demanding $1.3 million in ‘pain and suffering’ and claims his parents caused him 'voluntary prejudice' by giving life to him.

This kid needs a serious wake up call! What an ungrateful little so and so. 

If he is so desperately unhappy with his hair then shave it off, but suing his parents what a load of hooey.

Next thing you know kids will be suing their parents because they don't like the colour of their eyes! 

The cost, energy, sacrifice and time for having a child these days is taxing enough, but to be sued because you raised a kid who felt he had less of a life due to the colour of his hair is just plain ridiculous.

Success and happiness is not defined by what grows out of your head but rather what grows inside of it.

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