Jane opens up about her friend's addiction to alcohol

Jane opens up about her friend's addiction to alcohol

In this emotional voice note sent to her producer, Jane opens about her friend's addiction and her journey to recovery.

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My producer Simon and I have an understanding that whenever something sad, happy, amazing, creative or just a really great idea pops into our heads, and we don’t have a pen and paper around, we send it to each other in a voice note. 

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A lot of the topics that we talk about on air are based on late night voice notes between the two of us. A few weeks back I sent him a voice note which I didn’t know he had saved. 

He sent it to me this morning and I decided that I needed to share it with you. It was one of those emotional days where I needed to get something off my chest and with my phone in hand, this is what I had to say...

There are so many people suffering from some form of addiction. It hurts me more when it happens to my own personal friends. Addiction doesn’t prejudice, it doesn't know colour, class or creed. If you know someone in your life that is going through or has gone through something similar, please share this with them.

Read: Drug addicts found unconscious after 'taking heroin’

If you are in trouble and battling with addiction, know that you are not alone, and that everything is going to be okay – you’ve got this.

Lifeline Durban is one of the organisations out there that helps those who are suffering from emotional trauma and pain. For more information, visit their website or call their Crisis Line on 031 312 2323.

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