How do you react when 'bae' doesn't pick up?

How do you react when 'bae' doesn't pick up?

The most annoying thing in the world has to be when your partner just doesn't pick up their phone, right?

phone call pexels

The most annoying thing for me is when I am trying to reach Mr T and he doesn't pick up. Urgh! I will not stop phoning him and leaving missed calls until he picks up that phone! 

It's something that is driven by fear mostly. You know that 'oh my gosh, what if something has happened to him' type of fear. With each ring, I can feel my emotions rise, the thought process behind the multiple rings is that if he is on another call, he will put that on hold and connect with me. 

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I need to put it out there that I don't phone him during the day to talk rubbish. Sure, we text throughout the day. This can also cause issues because if there is only one tick on the Whatsapp message that was sent 15 minutes ago, then that wall of concern starts to play up. It's the same if the ticks are double but not read. My absolute worst! 

I'm not sure if it's a girl or guy kind of game, but I am always available to be contacted. However, Mr T is more lax with his phone.

It's not that I want to track his whereabouts, for me it's about being able to be at ease that he is safe, and once that's established, we can communicate about what needs to be done. However, I do understand that not everyone is like me in this instance. 

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Are you someone that hounds your partner when you’re trying to get a hold of them?

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