How did you know you had found 'The One'?

How did you know you had found 'The One'?

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love." - Shakespeare.

How did you know you found the one

Was it the way they walked or the way they talked? What was the defining moment when you knew that you just had to spend the rest of your life with this person? 

Read: Do you like the person you're in love with?

If you are in a relationship, you most probably know the moment you thought, 'I'm gonna be with this person forever'. For me, it was one of those survival things. 

Mr T and I had been dating for about two years and we were on holiday in Mozambique. Where we were staying I had to choose between having a cool fan or music to listen to, but in a jiffy, Mr T was stripping wires and before I knew it, music was playing, the fan was fanning, and drinks were being poured. 

Read: Love across the racial divide

I knew I couldn't live without him! He is my soul mate and a cute ginger who makes me laugh and is so kind and such fun.

I asked a bunch of people how they found their perfect match and this is what they had to say. Trust me, it got me feeling all fuzzy...

How did you know you had found 'The One'? Share your stories and comments with me below.

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