Furious 18-month-old toddler adorably argues with aunt

Furious 18-month-old toddler adorably argues with aunt

Aww! By far, this has to be the most adorable argument we've ever seen.

Toddler argues with aunt / New York Post
Toddler argues with aunt / New York Post

Remember the adorable "Listen Linda" kid who won the internet a few years back for arguing with his mom? Well, it seems that we have found yet another adorable toddler whose argument is going viral. 

READ: Toddler's priceless reaction to dad's dance moves

According to the New York Post, Monifa Basdeo managed to get footage of her son adorable arguing with his aunt trying to get his point across. As the aunt jokingly argued back, it set him off and had him nonsensically shouting in the cutest way possible. 

It is said that the aunt did not want him touching the clean clothes with his dirty hands, and he was just having none of it. 

ALSO: Toddler's hilarious yet adorable phone call with imaginary friend

One can only begin to imagine what the terrible twos are going to be like for the Basdeo family. Yikes! 

Watch the video below:

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