The dress that sparked office drama in 2018

The dress that sparked office drama in 2018

What should have been a casual work outfit turned into a KZN debate over the length of a dress.

anonymous dress short green
Supplied, Anonymous

Nearly half of you thought this dress was inappropriate for the workplace and I thought this was utterly outrageous to hear! This KZN woman was the subject of one of our debates

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My producer Zama said that at that length, the lady should have just arrived to work with a bikini, but I was on the side of fashion and great shoes! 

The comments came flooding in:

Wow! I must say, after re-looking at the comments, I am shocked that people found it inappropriate. I still stand by what I said earlier; if this is how she expresses her style, she should do so freely. Rock on, sister friend! 

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In case you missed the article earlier this year, check out the picture and let me know which side of the fence you are on.

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