Do you hold onto things that bring you comfort from someone who is no longer here?

Do you hold onto things that bring you comfort from someone who is no longer here?

The passing of a loved one is not easy, but the moving on part has got to be the hardest part, so deciding when to part with their things is complicated for most. 


There is no easy way to put it, death sucks! Even if you are prepared for it when the final breath is taken, it literally smacks the air out of your lungs. The finality is so hard and of course, the vast gaping hole that's left behind is not easy to comprehend.

Read: Should social media accounts live on after death?

When Mr T's mom passed away at only 53, it was hard not to feel incredibly heartbroken. I was pregnant with our firstborn at the time, that was almost eight years ago already. 

To this day, both Mr T and I have her cellphone number on our phones. I never had it in me to delete it and for him it's a comfort I suppose. 

On that note, a dear friend of mine clings to a WhatsApp group that she shared with her late mother. Time and time again she goes into old conversations and cries as she relives old memories. It's so heartbreaking to witness.

Read: How obsessed are you with your health and do you have a fear of death?

When my gran died, she left me the most incredible ring, which I wear daily as my wedding ring. It's lovely to feel connected to her every day. I also have her dressing gown hanging in our bathroom.

Do you hold onto things that bring you comfort from someone who is no longer here? Let me know by commenting below.

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