Demolition crew accidentally knock down the wrong building

Demolition crew accidentally knock down the wrong building

Well, this is awkward...


Contractors accidentally knocked down the wrong building after being called for an emergency demolition.

According to The Baltimore Sun, the building that was supposed to still be standing was a former pet shop called Laundry Mutt.

This takes a bad day at work to a different level! Can you imagine being the person that demolished the wrong building? Your heart must sink as you see the bricks tumble into a smokey heap.

See: Man knocks out mugger and then takes a selfie

It reminds me of the story of my dad and his teeth.

A few years ago my mom and dad were on holiday in the Cape and on New Year's Day my dad had chipped his tooth and needed a dentist.

See: Groomsman backflips and knocks out bridesmaid!

When he arrived he was met by a female dentist who's breath indicated she had enjoyed a few (too many) drinks the night before and needless to say pulled out the wrong tooth twice!

My dad left with three teeth pulled and a sore face!

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